Monday, April 26, 2010

Life is Good!

Happy 10 Month Accident Anniversary to me!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Lovin' Life

I am so in love with life right now!! I have gone through so much in the past (almost!) 10 months and I never, ever thought I would get to this point. I have been seeing so much improvement lately. As I mentioned in my last post, I can now, point my toes/foot!! But I can also walk down stairs easier, bend down to put on my shoes and pet my snuggly cat, and shave my legs without sitting down. These things sound so simple and are definitely things that we do on a daily basis and take for granted. But I have found that I take NOTHING for granted anymore.

I am also really enjoying Spring and am happy that I can be outside more! Pretty much all of the warm months last year were spent indoors for me. Yay for being able to be active again!!
Miss Bird is clearly excited as well!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Makin' Myself Proud!

I haven't posted in forever! Oops... what have I been doing you ask?? Busting my ass in PT that's what!! Look what I can do now!! And they said it couldn't be done! Take that surgeons and physical therapists!!