Monday, November 23, 2009


My right leg hurts.... a lot. I hate it.

I kind of dream about cutting off my leg right below my knee. I know that sounds crazy, but some days I can't and don't wanna take the pain. I feel like it will never get better.... how can a bone not be grown back together after (almost!) 5 months??!

I know God is super busy, but if he could get to my prayers about this.... that would be great. Maybe He has smiled on me enough though and I am just being greedy....

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I was looking through some pictures on my computer and realized I am looking SO much better since my accident. The first picture was about 3 weeks after my accident. I hadn't been home long and really didn't feel like smiling but did! The middle picture is from early September (about 6 weeks after my accident). The last picture (clearly!!) is from Halloween.

Life is slowly getting back to normal!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Back to the Grind...

"Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow." ~ Doug Firebaugh

I love this quote and have to keep telling myself this daily. I have been back at work now for a week and am finding it terribly difficult to sit up all day long and to walk around this much. I do realize that going back to work is just part of the getting better process but I just feel that if I could stay home and really keep working on getting better, it would happen easier. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe I do need to keep pushing myself.

I have a pretty neat lumbar support for my chaif at work although I am not totally sure it is working. Maybe it just makes me sit in a way that I am not used to. I suppose that I should have been sitting up this straight my whole life! Oops!!