Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New Shoes!

I bought myself some new shoes! I have a lot of shoes... anyone who knows me knows that I probably have TOO many shoes!! But I have two issues with my old kicks:
  1. My feet have gotten smaller... like an entire size smaller!
  2. Unsupportive, uncomfortable shoes do not cut it anymore.
I can literally feel the lack of support in my back.

So after a little research online, I found Salomon's to be my best bet. Everything I read on them spoke about how great their support and tread is. I am interested in good tread because I am constantly nervous about falling down! They also come with inserts that make them more snug and more comfy. I love them and am very happy with them!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


My sweet hubs and I have decided that we will take a trip this Summer to celebrate me not being dead, paralyzed, or maimed. That may sound funny, but remember I am really into celebrating any and everything. The weekend of my one year accident anniversary we will be going to our favorite place on Earth: the Blue Ridge Parkway. I feel so at peace and happy whenever I visit. I can't think of a better place to celebrate life then there!

The day we drive up we are taking a picnic lunch to enjoy on the parkway. We are planning on staying at the Mt. Pisgah Inn which is somewhat rustic and old fashioned but we don't care at all. We are going to go on several hikes (because I will be damned if I cannot hike in June!) and take in all the beautiful sites the parkway has to offer in section 5. We will also be going in to Asheville for a fun dinner and hopefully some ice cream at the Biltmore Creamery... YUM!

It may seem strange to already be planning a Summer vacation. But as I have mentioned before, it really helps my recovery process to have things on my calendar to look forward to. I am busy looking online for different trails to hike. I have found 3 that are near the inn that seem very scenic and somewhat difficult. I like a little challenge so I think we will be checking them out while we are there. Can't wait!!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Lately I have been doing a lot of reflecting on my life. Things have changed greatly from this time last year and I am not talking about just physically. I have changed so much mentally as well. I look around at the people I know and I hear people at work complain… a lot. I don’t mind people complaining. Everyone does it. It is part of life. It honestly helps people bond (especially in a work setting). But it is starting to bother me when people complain about the tiny most trivial little things. I want to shake them and say “you must have never really been through anything rough in your life if you are complaining about that”. I think I am so much happier and less stressed at this point in my life then I was a year ago. One looking at me from the outside would expect the opposite. But this accident, trauma, recovery, and pain has taught me to truly not give a damn/worry about those little things any more. Shit happens. Get over it! Live every day to its fullest. The worrying will get you nowhere and help nothing.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


It has been 3 weeks since my surgery and I am already feeling a good bit better. The swelling and pain have gone down some and I am able to walk more in my boot. I decided to try some very basic physical therapy moves last night and I think they have really helped. It was mostly small movements with my foot to stretch out my ankle. Nothing strenuous! I plan on doing the same tonight and maybe adding in a little more. I don't want to go overboard!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


I really thought my leg hurt before… but I was wrong. It really, really hurts now! I suppose it is the pain of walking around on a leg that has 10 holes in it! Hopefully they will fill in quickly. Plus once I start therapy, it will strengthen my leg muscles and give me more mobility. I can’t believe I am going to have to do PT again… this feels like two steps back. But I know that I will be much stronger in 10 weeks and ready for Summer to start!! I plan on taking full advantage of the outdoors this Summer since I literally spent all of last Summer indoors.

Check out the holes!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

No More Office Supplies!!

I got my cast off today and the staples out!! Twenty one staples to be exact! I am now walking in a boot and will be doing PT to get back to "normal". My surgeon expects my ankle to be healed in about 10 weeks. I can handle that!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Two More Days!!

In 2 days I will be getting my cast off and my stitches out…actually they might be staples… not sure. I shoved my little arm down in my cast Saturday because my leg was itching SO badly! And I think I felt staples and not stitches. I could be wrong though… the thought of staples is kinda icky to me! You would think after everything I have been through and seen, nothing would be icky… not true! I still get grossed out even after seeing my leg bend in an area that it was not meant to and being able to see my bone through skin. Still get icked out!

This weekend, my husband participated in a drift event and I was outside all day long. I am pretty proud of myself for being able to crutch around that much and for standing almost the entire day! Go me!! I paid for it on Sunday though… it was a lazy day to recoup and rest my sore muscles.

It was worth it to see my husband do so well and to have so much fun!